When you start programming, you get disillusioned quickly. No longer is the computer the allinfallible perfect machine – "do as I mean, not as I say" becomes a frequent cry. At night, when the blasted hobgoblins finally go to bed, you lie there and ruminate on the errors you made that day, and they're worse than any horror movie. So when the editor of PC Plus asked me to write this article, I reacted with both fear and knowing obedience. I was confident that I could dash this off in a couple of hours and nip down to the pub without the usual resultant night terrors. The problem with such a request is, well, which language are we talking about? I can't just trot out the top 10 mistakes you could make in C#, Delphi, JavaScript or whatever – somehow my top ten list has to encompass every language. Suddenly, the task seemed more difficult. The hobgoblins started cackling in my head. Nevertheless, here goes… 1. Writing for the compiler, not for people W...